I hope you're enjoying my posts.. I enjoy posting about what's happening with me, almost like writing in my journal :)

Saturday 16 June 2012

Hey, What's Going on Lately?!

  • First of all, on this most recent past Friday, I went to the hospital
  • Second, today I went to the fair! :D
Okay, I had to go to the hospital on Friday for my knee which has been questionably in a lot of pain. So, Dad took me in and Doctor Obi said that it might be a 'fat deposit'. He thinks so because it is tender, and if it wouldn't be water because he had said it was in such an unusual place for water to be..

So they gave me x-rays because they still don't know for sure what it is but they are also setting me up for an appointment to have an ultrasound. Oh! I almost forgot! They prescribed me pills called Naproxen* (cost covered by Ontario Works) that are not narcotics and i have to take 2 each day. All I have to do now is not really walk around a lot, to be a bum, and rest.


I went to the fair at the Mountainview Mall with my best friends Amy and Nicole. We paid 75$ in total for the bracelets only. It was totally worth it though because once we realized how much it cost for ONE coupon-1.75- my jaw dropped because that is when i realized just to be able to go on the marry-go-round was 2! :0 so we made sure we got our money's worth; We went on The Loop Airplane, Berry Go Round, Scooters (bumper cars), etc but MULTIPLE times ;D awwwwww yeeeeeeeee. That's right.

Anyway, we had an excellent time! I took a lot of photos and I also wouldn't mind if you checked out my videos that I edited! Links are below. I like The Scrambler video most, but they all have a message that represents friendship. People included in the video- obviously Amy and Nicole! haha thanks for reading.. And checkin' in.

-Bryna Jade

Berry Go Round 

And  The Scrambler

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