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Saturday 2 June 2012

Moving Out

Just recently I have been informed of a moving situation. Litterally.
My family and I are moving to Parry Sound at the end of June, so technically right now I live nowhere even though I live somewhere. Get it?

It's quite ironic because I had moved here to Midland area from Parry Sound. Before I had moved here I hadn't wanted to make such a huge change being only 11. Now we are practically in the hole and we are moving. Unless we want to be in debt. And who wants that?

Moving to Parry Sound will bring great possibilities; moving into Native housing which will cost so much more less than what my father has to now, closer friends from before and lots more of relatives that are always here to help us through the rough patches and so on. Maybe the schooling is better too.

Now on the other hand leaving will mean that I will have not as much of a connection as I would normally have with my best friends, Nicole and Amy. I will not be able to continue with my passion for rowing (</3), and I  will not be able to join wrestling again for it is not held in Parry Sound high school.. same with women's flag football.

I have put out both pros and cons about my situation I have here... Now that this is going to be saved technologically and brain-ly, I can start packing and sorting out the things I don't need and i'll finally have a clean room! :D YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!

Thanks for reading,

-Bryna Jade

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