I hope you're enjoying my posts.. I enjoy posting about what's happening with me, almost like writing in my journal :)

Thursday 15 November 2012

New Bo & New Home!

As you know, I've moved into a new home again! I'm sooo happy for myself though
because we have never lived in a house to ourselves before :0 AAAAND I have a new boyfriend.. He's not NEW NEW but we've known eachother for a couple of months now
His name is Ian and he makes me smile and forget anything bad :)

I don't know why this typey thing isn't working out but I really don't want to waste 15 minutes trying to figure out what's wrong and then accidentally erase everything trying to make things look nice for something maybe nobody reads. :$

School's alright, 81% in English, 90% in Math and AT LEAST 70% in Wood Shop (i'm not too sure) and 86% in Metal Shop :D Sooo happy :)

Peace! Thanks for reading!
-Bryna Jade

Friday 21 September 2012

School Is Awesome! :D

Wow, I'm really enjoying my classes even if I thought they were a bit of a twist!
I have been working on a Nightstand in Wood Shop for about a week, And I am ALMOST FINISHED!!!
In Metal Shop I am making a key chain.. It's pretty cool.. Made out of Aluminum so it's really light.

Soooo, paddling is overrrr :( But Chance and I still hangout like ALOT. His parents just love me that much :p

So, My teachers are all pretty awesome, Mr.Mair is a good instructor, my metal tech teacher is just ballistic JK lol andd my mandatory classes have good teachers too Instructional wise anyway

This weekend I am going to Midland!! :D I will be going to their school on Monday too because I miss everybody sooo muchhhh Anywayss I don't feel like typing right now, Bye

Thanks for reading!
-Bryna Jade

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Registered For School!

Officially registered for Parry Sound High School!
Semester 1
-Manufacturing Tech
-Construction Tech

Semester 2
-Ojibway Language
-French Language
-Personal Fitness

(yess, I copied myself from faaacebook LAZYY)

THESE FRIGGEN TIMETABLES ARE HARD TO READ! They switch the classes everyday!
soo first semester would be..

Day 1- Math then Manu., then english, then construction.
Day 2-Manu., Math, construction, english.
Day 3-English, construction, math, manu.
Day 4-Construction, english, manu., math.
Day 5- ????

I don't even know what happens on day 5...

ANYWAYSSS I have to go Paddling at 5 30 with my 'new you haven't heard of him 2 month old friend' named Chance. I call him Chance le france. Or Wench. Cause he's my slave.

Thanks for reading!
-Bryna Jade

Saturday 4 August 2012

Working My A$$ Off!

I may be a 'slow worker' but I am very good at getting the job done.
And i've done alot of work at my job.
Well, my birthday is coming up in 6 days.. It doesn't really feel like it is though.
Well, I will be 16 this Friday. Woo hoo. So i'm going to Midland for my birthday party. Don't know what i'm going to do exactly here in Parry Sound so I am going there. I mean, I will stay here for my actual birthday but maybe leave the night of to be there for the actual party. speaking of birthdays, i've got to get Ayla something still! :0 I have to find something to get her! yeesh! gotta go now! Thanks for reading!
-Bryna Jade

Friday 20 July 2012

Excited For Canoeing!

Soooo, I just got paid yesterday from my babysitting job, so I thought I would make something good of it.
So, I bought a paddle, PFD, and safety kit for the boat :)
I got them for canoeing! my Dad and I decided we would borrow our friend Wayne's canoe and use it to our extent..

I also bought myself a CD called Some Nights by Fun. ! And lip butter cause my lips are absolutely parched. I ordered the pictures that I have been wanting to print out for a while.. Pictures of my best friends and I and some for mom and one for Elijah :)

Well, I might edit a couple pictures of Amy and Nicole and myself cause we're practically all totally spies or power puff girls! laugh out loud!

thanks for reading!
-Bryna Jade

Monday 16 July 2012

I'm Not Sure What To Write..


Freaking sexy.

Right Said Fred!

I don't have much to say! Except that I didn't have my journal last night so i wrote on a cereal box...
Cause i'm super stressed!


Wednesday 11 July 2012

Got To LOVE That Summer Sun !

So, I'm working two jobs right now!
-Baby sittin'
-Forest Hill Grocery Store
And no I ain't sittin' on no babies.
I'm only on my second night in my actual home here in Parry Sound, and we moved in almost two weeks ago.. I've been baby sittin' at my Auntie Donna's house three nights straight and they even said that I'll practically be there all summer days long, So i might as well bring some clothes and keep them there.
So, now I have multiple homes :D

Been swimming like crazy by the way! And soaking up the sun! Getting browner by the minute!!

Was in town today in P Dot (Parry Sound) at the Old Town beach, I caught up with my boyfriend Elijah again and some 'tourists' started following us wherever we went.. Creepy whores.

Elijah & Bryna
Summer 2011

Well, I'm happy with where I live, but I do admit to being scared shitless for school...
Anyways, Do what you want and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter, don't mind.
-Dr. Seuss

Thursday 21 June 2012

First Exam Done !


I thought it was going to be like something I've never read about before, but I guess that I just forgot what an 'Exam' is.. 

Today sometime after my exam I passed by Little Lake Park. As I strolled through it, I realized how much I was going to miss rowing.. :'( This picture below is the MSS team !

Speaking of MSS, today was also my last Thursday there. Unfortunately because of our moving situation, there will be a lot of things that I will miss-especially my best friends; Amy and Nicole !

Soo, umm news, news, news, ..NEWS! Okay, the other day I had gotten my ultrasound on my knee. The nurses said that it might look to be as a tissue, but they're STILL NOT SURE -__e So, they are sending the pictures of the ultrasound to my Doctor and he will make the smart decision of what may happen: SURGERYYYY. :$ Well, I have nothing really more to say except thanks for reading!

-Bryna Jade

Saturday 16 June 2012

Hey, What's Going on Lately?!

  • First of all, on this most recent past Friday, I went to the hospital
  • Second, today I went to the fair! :D
Okay, I had to go to the hospital on Friday for my knee which has been questionably in a lot of pain. So, Dad took me in and Doctor Obi said that it might be a 'fat deposit'. He thinks so because it is tender, and if it wouldn't be water because he had said it was in such an unusual place for water to be..

So they gave me x-rays because they still don't know for sure what it is but they are also setting me up for an appointment to have an ultrasound. Oh! I almost forgot! They prescribed me pills called Naproxen* (cost covered by Ontario Works) that are not narcotics and i have to take 2 each day. All I have to do now is not really walk around a lot, to be a bum, and rest.


I went to the fair at the Mountainview Mall with my best friends Amy and Nicole. We paid 75$ in total for the bracelets only. It was totally worth it though because once we realized how much it cost for ONE coupon-1.75- my jaw dropped because that is when i realized just to be able to go on the marry-go-round was 2! :0 so we made sure we got our money's worth; We went on The Loop Airplane, Berry Go Round, Scooters (bumper cars), etc but MULTIPLE times ;D awwwwww yeeeeeeeee. That's right.

Anyway, we had an excellent time! I took a lot of photos and I also wouldn't mind if you checked out my videos that I edited! Links are below. I like The Scrambler video most, but they all have a message that represents friendship. People included in the video- obviously Amy and Nicole! haha thanks for reading.. And checkin' in.

-Bryna Jade

Berry Go Round 

And  The Scrambler

Saturday 2 June 2012

Moving Out

Just recently I have been informed of a moving situation. Litterally.
My family and I are moving to Parry Sound at the end of June, so technically right now I live nowhere even though I live somewhere. Get it?

It's quite ironic because I had moved here to Midland area from Parry Sound. Before I had moved here I hadn't wanted to make such a huge change being only 11. Now we are practically in the hole and we are moving. Unless we want to be in debt. And who wants that?

Moving to Parry Sound will bring great possibilities; moving into Native housing which will cost so much more less than what my father has to now, closer friends from before and lots more of relatives that are always here to help us through the rough patches and so on. Maybe the schooling is better too.

Now on the other hand leaving will mean that I will have not as much of a connection as I would normally have with my best friends, Nicole and Amy. I will not be able to continue with my passion for rowing (</3), and I  will not be able to join wrestling again for it is not held in Parry Sound high school.. same with women's flag football.

I have put out both pros and cons about my situation I have here... Now that this is going to be saved technologically and brain-ly, I can start packing and sorting out the things I don't need and i'll finally have a clean room! :D YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!

Thanks for reading,

-Bryna Jade